kuala lumpur escort girls

What Happens After An Escort Booking?

If you’re booking a KL escort for the first time, or if you’ve booked one before, you’ve most likely been through the time-consuming but enjoyable process of selecting your dream companion. With so many beautiful women to choose from in our gallery of Kuala Lumpur escorts, we expect it to take you hours. However, now that you’ve chosen the escort of your dreams, arranged a meeting, and passed the screening process, you’re ready to move forward.

If you haven’t already considered it, there are a few things expected of you once you make a reservation. Don’t worry, though, we’re here to support you through this process and make it simpler for you. This is so you can enjoy the entire experience. Before we continue with your booking, let’s discuss some of the things you may expect from your guide.

The key is hygiene

The first thing is to clean yourself. This should be obvious without saying because we know you’re clean and intelligent enough to realize this. Make sure you brush your teeth, do your hair, and take a shower to thoroughly cleanse your body. Mouthwash also works wonders in a small amount. For your lovely date, make sure to have your skin Gillette smooth because escorts also enjoy a nice shave. She’ll know you tried your best and are looking forward to seeing her if you do this.

Make sure your surroundings are as clean and scented as you are as well as yourself. Make sure the entire space is tidy for her, regardless of whether you are staying in a hotel or have called for an outcall service to your house. Your environment’s cleanliness reveals a lot about you. Don’t be upset if she asks you to take a shower before moving ahead with the arrangement. She may want to ensure you’re clean. This will ease her mind. Don’t be uncomfortable, take another shower, and give her mind a break.

She could even want to take a shower before starting, in which case she’ll need to use your facilities, so be prepared to accommodate her wants. Make sure to get her some feminine body wash and products if you don’t already have any in your bathroom. You should also leave out clean towels and other necessities.

Paying for a high-class KL escort experience

The Kuala Lumpur escort industry operates in gray areas when it comes to payment, so it can be challenging to know where you stand. Financial transactions are carried out in this way. Since cash is a reliable payment option, it dominates the escorting industry. However, our agency extends above and beyond by accepting various payment methods to ensure you don’t have to race to the next cash machine. Days after the reservation, other agencies may withdraw or reject payments made using other methods. However, our KL escort agency has a safe system that guarantees you can use other payment methods.

Never give her money immediately when paying with cash, especially not in front of others. You can move on if she confirms that the agreed-upon amount has been paid. Additionally, always remember to pay the agreed-upon sum and extra if you think your escort merits it or if you’re impressed with her. Haggling over the price or underpaying is an unwise way to start. You risk having your reservation canceled immediately and finding it harder to make future reservations.

And with that, we hope you now have some useful advice on what to do with your escort after your initial reservation. Don’t forget to pay on time, be considerate of her line of work, and most importantly, have fun!

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